Manufacture and control of medicated feedingstuffs Print

All necessary guidance documents concerning manufacture and control of medicated feedingstuffs are placed in this section. They are based on requirements defined in the Directive 90/167/EEC and basic principles of Good Manufacturing Practice which can be found on section Manufcaturing and control of VMPs.

The section is divided into:

  • Guidance documents for manufacture of medicated feedingstuffs 
  • Forms (application for licence and its variation, temlates for veterinary prescription for MFs, etc.)
  • Registers and lists (register of MFs manufacturers, list of authorised medicated premixes)

Mrs. Jarmila Kyllarová, DVM, CSc. ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) is person responsible for manufacture of medicated feedingstuffs. (this email address is protected, to see it allow Java Script).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 September 2024 07:31