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Home Fees
Administrative fees and reimbursement of costs PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jiří Bureš   

In this part You will find instructions and information ÚSKVBL comprised of rules of making payment:

Veterinary medical products

  •     Administrative fees connected to applications for administrative procedures
  •     Reimbursements of costs for expert tasks carried out on request and other expert activities within the ÚSKVBL  scope of activity
  •     Payments for applications in context of  possible grouped variations of  marketing authorisations in compliance with directly applicable EU regulations concerning the examination of variations to the terms of marketing authorisations for veterinary medicinal products
  •     Reimbursements of costs for the activities related with duration of the  veterinary medicinal products marketing authorisation (annual maintenance fee)

Veterinary non-medicinal products and veterinary technical devices (VTD)

Administrative fees for activities carried out on request in connection to veterinary non-medicinal products and veterinary technical devices

Download this file (2069_UST- 3_2006_Rev.4_Správní poplatky v souvislosti s VP a VTP.docx)ÚSKVBL/UST - 3/2006/Rev.4_Správní poplatky v souvislosti s VP a VTP[Správní poplatky v souvislosti s VP a VTP]121 Kb
Download this file (The fees for variation_as amended by the current revision 6.docx)The fees for variation_as amended by the current revision 6[ ]123 Kb
Download this file (UST - 3 2006 Rev.4 Adm. fees in relation to veterinary products and devices.docx)ÚSKVBL/UST- 3/2006/Rev.4[Adm. fees in relation to veterinary products and devices]119 Kb
Download this file (UST_4_2008_Rev.6_EN.doc)ÚSKVBL/UST - 4/2008/Rev. 6[Guideline of the Institute of State Control of Veterinary Biologicals and Medicines]603 Kb
Last Updated on Friday, 17 June 2022 12:02