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Home Inspections Manufacturing and control of medicated feeding stuffs
Manufacture and control of medicated feedingstuffs PDF Print E-mail

All necessary guidance documents concerning manufacture and control of medicated feedingstuffs are placed in this section. They are based on requirements defined in the Directive 90/167/EEC and basic principles of Good Manufacturing Practice which can be found on section Manufcaturing and control of VMPs.

The section is divided into:

  • Guidance documents for manufacture of medicated feedingstuffs 
  • Forms (application for licence and its variation, temlates for veterinary prescription for MFs, etc.)
  • Registers and lists (register of MFs manufacturers, list of authorised medicated premixes)

Mrs. Jarmila Kyllarová, DVM, CSc. ( kyllarova@uskvbl.cz This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) is person responsible for manufacture of medicated feedingstuffs. (this email address is protected, to see it allow Java Script).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 September 2024 07:31